Impact Fitness, LLC

Saturday, February 23, 2013
10am - 3pm
Free TRX Intro Sessions

     Demo Workouts

            Chair Massage

Door Prizes

Blue Water Health
(Caroline Pettepiece, LMP)

Zoe Waggoner, M.A.
(Counseling and Hypnotherapy)

Isagenix Nutritional Cleansing & Replenishing

(Tom & Diane Mark)

Reed Solutions Group
(Logan Reed, Business & Life Coach)

Balanced Body Care
(Holly Glennon, RN, LMP - Reflexology)

Sheryl Bauer, LMP
(Structural Integration & Hellerwork)

Hypnutrition Health Coaching
(Janet Munson, Certified Nutritional Therapist)

Soul Space Flotation Therapy

Martha Eden, L.Ac.

Wild Art Water Colors
(Nancy Clark Broach)

Olydog! Studios
(Brian Pettepiece - Photography)
Stop by Impact Fitness and meet some of Olympia's finest wellness providers! 
Click Here to Sign Up for the FREE TRX Intro Sessions!

Go to the Open House TRX Intro Signup tab

Schedule of Events:

10:30am   Demo Workout
See what Functional Fitness is all about
11:00am    Free TRX Intro Workout
Experience it!
12:00pm   Curb Your Cravings
Zoe Waggoner, Counseling & Hypnotherapy
12:30pm   Diabetes:  9 Simple
                Rules for Balancing
                Blood Sugar
Janet Munson, Certified Nutritional Therapist
1:00pm    Clearing the Path to
Logan Reed, Business & Life Coach
1:30pm    Demo Workout
One more time to watch us Rock!!
2:00pm    Free TRX Intro Workout
Experience it!